I can not believe it’s already the first week in May. May is going to be a very busy month for me. G-kids activities/programs for end of year. Kari graduates May 23 and will be heading to college in the fall. I will miss her terribly but so very proud of her. I will be doing some necessary travel as my sister-in-law will be undergoing yet another kidney surgery. I am just very thankful that I am able to be a part of my family’s lives and be available when needed.
My hubby helped me take the Tin Lizzy off the frame and we worked on leveling the frame. I went all around the frame and also tightened nuts and bolts. Managed to get this quilted with only a couple skips which could have been user not machine issues…
I have said it before and I’ll say it again, “I am not a perfectionist” by any stretch of the imagination. I know the professional / show quality quilters would/will cringe when/if they see this. My ‘ribbon candy’ loops don’t match, they are not consistent loops sizes, they are not evenly spaced and golly, gee whiz, I don’t even care… Well, maybe a little. Maybe if I practiced more. Maybe if I drew registration lines, maybe if….. Okay, it’s not perfect, but I don’t think it’s horrible (if I thought it was you wouldn’t be seeing these pictures
Now feathers…. OMG do I need to work on these!!!
There are so many different ways to ‘do’ feathers and maybe someday I’ll find the one that works for me best. I think I really do need to just put some muslin on the frame and practice all the different ways I’ve tried, figure out the way I like best and simply work to improve that technique. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Angela Walters class on Craftsy and I’m seriously thinking I will sign up for that – it wouldn’t hurt!!!
And I’ve told you about the quilt Mystery I’ve written for the ladies going to Sew Fest in July, well here is block #1:
I chose dark colors for my quilt and once I started the construction of the individual units I was not sure I’d be happy. My green/red/black print is actually what I’m using for my “medium” color. This is a 3 color quilt using light, medium & dark fabrics (or so I wrote) Anyway, I think I’ll be okay and that the quilt will come together nicely…
And because I’m me and by now you’re probably used to my long posts… You Tube videos – do you watch them? I do. It’s amazing what you can see / find watching those videos. I’ve learned a lot of knitting techniques that have made my projects easier. Missouri Quilt Company has some wonderful videos. And surprisingly, I found a repair manual for my brother-in-law by watching a video. It was for an old tractor he bought! Anyway, I don’t have a video camera or one of those computer-in-your-pocket (or better known as “smart”) phones or an IPad that takes videos but I’ve seriously thought about doing a video tutorial just to see if I could do it. I have written tutorials with lots of pictures for the QFC group and have been told they’re pretty good….. it’s just something I wondered if I could do and may borrow my son’s video camera and give it a shot….
Hope everyone is finally enjoying some spring like weather. It’s been crazy all over the U.S. and I think we’re all ready for ‘normal’…
1 comment:
I LOVE your long posts! - Only trouble is I'd like to comment on everything and this might be longer than your post - ;))
Congratulations to Kari -
Sorry to hear about your SIL's surgery - she is lucky to have you - hope she recovers quickly -
FMQ - imperfections only prove that a "person" quilted it - not a computer - and that's good -
Feathers - me, too - gotta PRACTICE - I like your idea for a practice piece -
Mystery - sometimes low contrast WORKS - and I like it so far -
YouTube - go for it -
Spring weather - kinda - ;))
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