I will start with some pictures first as I think that’s what most want to see:

Christmas quilt #1. I had to show a close up of the embroidered designs. I love these Snowmen. Each one has a ‘scene’ in his ‘belly’. I believe they are from Ace Points.
Christmas quilt #2/ These are the cutest Santas… These designs are also from Ace Points.
These quilts went to my two great-nephews. The first one is now 4 years old and had never received a baby quilt. The second nephew was born in May and by the time I got the announcement, it was late July and I had Sew Fest and my sister’s wedding, then on to Christmas sewing – so instead of a baby quilt, they each got their Christmas quilts.
The red quilt is University of Alabama and is for my step-daughter. The navy and orange quilt are for her husband and is Auburn. The tops are done and I hope to get them quilted over the weekend and ready to mail to them by the end of next week. I wanted to ‘showcase’ the team fabrics, therefore the large squares. With his, I started with the smaller squares with the white and orange ‘frames’ but it was too orange for my likes and did not showcase the team fabric. If you look, the top and bottom is 4-patches with the small squares. I did not have enough fabric left to cut the larger squares of fabric. He’s a big guy and needed to have that length. Overall, it turned out okay…
So the holidays…. Thanksgiving was a quiet affair. My daughter-in-law usually does Thanksgiving but with her school schedule and the lack of out-of-state family, I offered to do Thanksgiving. It was a small affair with just the 5 of them and me. Hubby was off elk hunting…
Christmas was very nice and held at my son and daughter-in-law’s. My preparations for Christmas was an entirely different story. I don’t know if I was depressed or just not in the mood, but everything I made was a chore. I didn’t decorate my home, did very little baking and “hum bugged” my way through it all. When all was said and done, I thanked God for my blessings of a wonderful family and was glad all the hoopla was over…
Now on to a new year. I have a few plans for the year. Sew Fest is already scheduled to be held in McKinney, TX the first week of August. My son gave me a white water rafting trip for Christmas. He and I have always talked about going and so this will be that year! My sister and new brother-in-law have informed us that they will spend Christmas 2016 with us and that is something I will be looking forward to. On a sadder note, my little dog of 14 years I expect to lose this year. She’s had multiple surgeries for skin cancer and bladder stones. She’s had a stroke that has affected her hearing and her sight is limited. She has now become incontinent and I need to keep a diaper on her. I know she feels bad because she can’t control her bladder and often has a puddle in front of her doggie door. It is sad to watch her decline but I thank God I’ve had her as long as I have.
I hope you all had very nice holidays and that your new year brings you much joy…
Katie, I think we all have years in our past that the Holidays didn't seem the same. Now that we are through them you can pick up yourself and enjoy the rest of the year. My motto, One Day at a time. Chris
Nice quilts!! I'm so sorry to hear about your little dog - it's always hard to lose one - especially after so many years. And boy, I've had Christmases like yours - BOB's favorite T-shirt says "Yeah - Ho - Whatever" - ;))
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