Monday, December 23, 2024

Never know when I'll be back

 Never know when I'll be back and have something to say.  My quilting life is almost non existent.  I know we all get into slumps and lose motivation, ambition, creativity or whatever you want to call it.  For me it's simply a case of no goal to reach.  QFC (Quilters for Comfort) hasn't done donations in a few years.  The last time I did quilts for donation, was to my husband's local VFW.  I asked the ladies of QFC to send me simple Friendship Star blocks and that I would make the quilts, quilt them and donate them.  I believe I managed to donate 21 quilts.  All my family has quilts and I've even heard "I don't need anymore quilts."  So, alas, I have tops waiting to be quilted and it may be a while as I've taken down my quilting frame.  I did convert my Tin Lizzy 18LS into a sit down quilter with hopes I might use it more.  That was over 6 months ago and I have yet to quilt a quilt using it.  I will be going on a Quilting cruise after the New Year and I'm hoping I will find some motivation / incentive to at least finish the quilts I have 'in-waiting'.  Wish me luck!

Christmas is 2 days away and I have sewn several small projects that I put in a "Christmas Box" and really enjoyed working on those.  My Christmas Box is a box that I fill with small things I sew, knit or other crafty items I might try my hand at.  After gifts are opened on Christmas, the box is put out and anyone who wants anything in it, is welcome to it.  Rarely do I have anything left in the box.  Sometimes I think the family likes what's in the box more than what they receive as a gift.

As life goes on and interests change, I know that I will always keep my love of sewing alive whether it be quilts or small projects.  May your life be full of all that you love.  I am very blessed in my life and I do thank God for those very many blessings.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

So here I am (again).  Think it's 2 or 3 years since I posted anything here on this blog.  Truly no one missed much.  Yes I've made some quilts but not near to the capacity I had been.  With the pandemic, there were no more Sew Fests.  We did have one planned that had to be cancelled due to Covid.  Now we've had members who have passed or simply have so many other obligations.  Not to mention that after 12 very successful years of QFC, we've 'run our course'.
Not going to be a long post today.  I have finally bookmarked my blog and maybe I will take some time and start being a little more serious about blogging.

This quilt above has been called "chandelier" or "beads".  I used a layer cake that I have had for a while to make this.  Don't know why, but I always have to really pay attention whenever I make a quilt that used setting triangles.  

This one is "Braided Stars" and I used a jelly roll for it and did not have enough to make the 6 more blocks to make it truly square, but I kind of like it just like this.  Obviously, this isn't yet quilted and it's because I'm still trying to decide if I want to add a border.  I kind of like it without one and think ust a dark binding would be enough to 'frame' it.

Wishing all a pleasant and creative day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

excess fabric and precuts

 Over time I have been gifted fabric that might not necessarily be my tastes, but I've always appreciated when I've been thought of and because I do quite a bit of quilt making for charity, I accept what is offered.   Often times, it is 1 yard or less and many times just pieces.  I decided I had enough small amounts and pieces laying around and figured if I was ever going to use any of it, I should do precuts with it.  I don't like working with small pieces.  For awhile I made fabric postcards and entered a few exchanges, so those smaller bits and pieces came in handy.  Not so much anymore and I will never do a 'crumb' quilt!  I started cutting and did 4½", 6½" and 10½' squares.  Nope I did not do 5" as I can't ever remember doing or wanting to do a quilt that used that size.  If I'm going to have something, I want it to be something I will use.  Purged quite a bit of those pieces but decided to take it further.  I matched up ½ yard to 1 or 1½ yard fabrics that I thought would look good together and cut them into precuts of 10" and 2½" strips for layer cakes and jelly rolls.  There might not be as many different prints as a manufacturer precut, but the fabrics will match together and I will be more inclined to use them now.  I used my 4½" and 6½" squares with scraps of different whites to make up some scrappy quilts.  

this is a picture as I started the layout. Just simple 4 and 9 patch blocks.  It ended up being a queen sized quilt and lots of squares left.  I used quite a bit of the 6½" squares making the 'cup' style face masks...

this is another one made from the 6½" squares.  It's a scrappy starburst and I just used an embroidered square in the center.  This one is still in the 'to be quilted' pile and ended up being king size.  And, yep, I still have some 6½" squares left ;-)

this one used my 10½" squares and was a pattern in the BLOCK magazine from Missouri Star Quilt Co.  Can't think of the name right now ... I also purchase their large Drunkard's Path template set and used it on this quilt.  I enjoy curved piecing so the template set will get used.

So these are my 'Scrappy' precuts.  My coordinated precuts are still sitting in a tote waiting for me to come across that 'perfect' pattern.  And I still have coordinating fabrics set aside to cut up into precuts.  

Wherever you're reading from, I hope you're safe from so much of the disasters happening in the world as well as safe from the Corona Virus.  



Tuesday, September 8, 2020

OMG, thought I was lost

 Been a long time since I came over to my own blog.   Not even sure how long it's been - not that I had / have many followers anyway.

I am still quilting, just not as much for charity as I used to.  Quilters for Comfort is still in existence, but we're not doing near the volume we used to, nor do we have the participation we used to have.  Because of our structure, it called for a lot of mailing of packages and quite frankly, shipping whole quilts can get a little pricey.

Lately, I am spending time purging fabric.  Had way too many scraps that I was certain I wouldn't use.  I had cut them into specific sizes and they were in zip bags.  I took quite a few to Goodwill - I sure hope some quilter felt they'd hit the mother lode :-)   I also purged garment fabric.  I rarely sew garments anymore - so another thing I did not need to have taking up space.  Not too long after I did my big spring purge, I was gifted with a large amount of fleece.  I almost told the lady no, but decided I could use if for making donation quilts.  I will be cutting up pieces of fabric into strips and doing simple strip quilts and using the fleece for batting/ backing.  I think it will make some nice cuddle quilts.

I am running out of family & friends to give quilts to, so I truly am cutting back.

As with most sewist, I've made my share of face masks.  Another way I used up scraps.  I did not sell mine and I was sad to hear / read that some who did sell were made to feel bad doing so.  Just don't think we should judge another when we don't know their situation.

I'm sure I could write a book, but don't really want to bore you.  I will add one picture for this post.  It's for a niece who got married almost a year ago.  It's the Northern Star pattern from Missouri Star Quilt Company.  Easy enough pattern, but a bit time consuming, but my niece loved it so it was well worth the effort.

Friday, August 31, 2018

almost a year

It's been almost a year since I blogged.  And probably almost that long since I read blogs.  It's not that I don't care, I just have felt like blogging was a waste of my time.  I don't post a lot of pictures.  I don't want any advertisements cluttering up my blog as I never meant for it to be a business.  If I had something to offer, great, I hope you appreciated it.  If not, well, my blog initially was for me anyway.
So what's happened in a year.... Spent Christmas in Florida with my sister and her husband.  Had a total knee replacement in January.  I was prepared for pain which, fortunately was minimal.  I was not prepared for loss of energy.  Took almost 4 months to get it back.  Yes, I have made quilts.  I do stay busy on that front.  This spring I discovered I enjoyed making Fairy Gardens and broken pot gardens - I should have stayed off Pinterest - way too many ideas.  I am gearing up for Christmas already and also have a couple big projects I will be working on.  Life is good and I am blessed.

Will I be back often, probably not...  But just thought I would pop in here and let those few who care know I have not fallen off the face of the earth.


Monday, September 11, 2017

just some chatter

June 4th was my last post - looking like I'm only doing this every 3 months or so..  I seem to be doing more quilting for QFC than actually working on my own projects.....  I came home from Sew Fest this year thinking I only had two that I had assembled to quilt and finish and then someone who volunteered fell through and I ended up with 5 more.  On top of that, I already had 8 to quilt for the Senior's Center quilt ladies.  Now I still have 5 more of my own that are 'in waiting' and have been for quite some time.  Do you do that?  Find yourself working more on things for others than you do yourself?

these are the quilts I got done at Sew Fest.  I really like the 4-patch lattice (bottom) and have some fabric that I will probably make one for myself with.  Just a lot of bias edges, so need to remember to starch a bit heavier.
The hurricanes hitting our country - my heart goes out to those people who are struggling with clean up and repair / rebuild.  Irma became personal as my sister lives just outside Tampa on the coast side.  To say I was thankful that it hit as a Cat 2 versus the 4 they thought it might be is putting it lightly.  She is without electric, but their home is intact and undamaged.  Still don't know how the boat faired, but I was more concerned over their safety and them having a home they could return to.   After Hurrican Harvey, there was a big cry for quilts on the groups I belong to through FaceBook and as quilters, I know we all wanted to help and do what we do - make quilts!  I am hoping people remember that the most immediate need to disaster victims is always food, water & shelter - a quilt can not provide that but a monetary donation to a reputable charity can.  So please consider a monetary donation - maybe in the amount of what it would cost for postage to ship a quilt...
Until next time ...


Sunday, June 4, 2017

February, huh?

Yep, been since February since I posted.  I did not fall off the face of the earth (obviously) and I guess I've been busy, but sometimes I wonder with what.
I have not done a lot of quilting or piecing.  I guess it's more a little here and a little there.  Quilters for Comfort has slowed down a great deal.  Surprisingly, we don't have members coming forward with organizations to donate quilts to.  Our annual Sew Fest will be held in Oklahoma this year and we have two different veteran organizations that will be the recipients of those quilts.
Okay, I do have a few pictures:  This one is a row done in Patriotic colors and will be paired with other rows that others have done to make 'row quilts' at Sew Fest:
I met up with a cousin the first part of May that I had not seen in over 40 years.  I had wanted to make a quilt for him and his wife, but really wasn't sure what their style or what colors they would like, but I had made up some blocks and didn't like them.  Still have the blocks and still not sure what to do with them:
Then we did a Fat Quarter block exchange at QFC.  Those who participated sent every one in their group a FQ, then as many 12" blocks as possible were made from the FQ and returned to the sender.  Here is the quilt I assembled from the blocks I received.  I sent out the floral fabric.  I had one block left over and I will make a pillow from it:
This quilt was made for one of the QFC members who underwent extensive shoulder surgery and is now doing physical therapy.  Whenever we know one of our members are facing a challenge, we try to make sure they get a quilt.  The designs are fairies and I believe they are from Ace Points..

oops, sorry - I didn't realize this bottom one was sideways ...
Then  I did take a break from fabric anything and did these arrangements in tea cups.  I had seen the 'floating tea cup' arrangements on Pinterest and knew I had to try them.  It really wasn't that easy to find nice pretty tea cups with matching saucers that weren't part of a set!  But I found these and they are so pretty.  I really enjoyed making them and would like to make more, but not sure who I would gift them to..

So anyway, there's a little of what I've doing.
My daughter-in-law graduated  with honors from the University of Arizona this May so my babysitting (for now) has slowed down drastically.  She's planning on taking a year off from school and then heading back to get her Masters and ultimately her doctorate.  I admire her determination to go after what she wants.
I could start rambling and I won't put you through that.  Basically wanted those of you who care to know I am still around, still plugging away and maybe someday might actually get something of significance done :-)
