Over time I have been gifted fabric that might not necessarily be my tastes, but I've always appreciated when I've been thought of and because I do quite a bit of quilt making for charity, I accept what is offered. Often times, it is 1 yard or less and many times just pieces. I decided I had enough small amounts and pieces laying around and figured if I was ever going to use any of it, I should do precuts with it. I don't like working with small pieces. For awhile I made fabric postcards and entered a few exchanges, so those smaller bits and pieces came in handy. Not so much anymore and I will never do a 'crumb' quilt! I started cutting and did 4½", 6½" and 10½' squares. Nope I did not do 5" as I can't ever remember doing or wanting to do a quilt that used that size. If I'm going to have something, I want it to be something I will use. Purged quite a bit of those pieces but decided to take it further. I matched up ½ yard to 1 or 1½ yard fabrics that I thought would look good together and cut them into precuts of 10" and 2½" strips for layer cakes and jelly rolls. There might not be as many different prints as a manufacturer precut, but the fabrics will match together and I will be more inclined to use them now. I used my 4½" and 6½" squares with scraps of different whites to make up some scrappy quilts.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
excess fabric and precuts
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
OMG, thought I was lost
Been a long time since I came over to my own blog. Not even sure how long it's been - not that I had / have many followers anyway.
I am still quilting, just not as much for charity as I used to. Quilters for Comfort is still in existence, but we're not doing near the volume we used to, nor do we have the participation we used to have. Because of our structure, it called for a lot of mailing of packages and quite frankly, shipping whole quilts can get a little pricey.
Lately, I am spending time purging fabric. Had way too many scraps that I was certain I wouldn't use. I had cut them into specific sizes and they were in zip bags. I took quite a few to Goodwill - I sure hope some quilter felt they'd hit the mother lode :-) I also purged garment fabric. I rarely sew garments anymore - so another thing I did not need to have taking up space. Not too long after I did my big spring purge, I was gifted with a large amount of fleece. I almost told the lady no, but decided I could use if for making donation quilts. I will be cutting up pieces of fabric into strips and doing simple strip quilts and using the fleece for batting/ backing. I think it will make some nice cuddle quilts.
I am running out of family & friends to give quilts to, so I truly am cutting back.
As with most sewist, I've made my share of face masks. Another way I used up scraps. I did not sell mine and I was sad to hear / read that some who did sell were made to feel bad doing so. Just don't think we should judge another when we don't know their situation.
I'm sure I could write a book, but don't really want to bore you. I will add one picture for this post. It's for a niece who got married almost a year ago. It's the Northern Star pattern from Missouri Star Quilt Company. Easy enough pattern, but a bit time consuming, but my niece loved it so it was well worth the effort.