Just not sure I will keep this blog account much longer. I obviously have posted very little for, actually, a few years now. I find that my passion for quilting is just not there anymore. I've thought maybe it was because I've become too steeped in the charity participation. My group also is not as active as it used to be and I think there are several reasons for that and the first being the fact that mailing costs are so high and most of our donations are being sent out (not overseas, but to other states. This group has members all over the U.S. and donate accordingly).
If I have a specific project, I get in and get it done but for the most part I have to force myself into the sewing room. Once I get in there, I find I sew maybe an hour and I'm wanting to be done.
I decided I needed to finish up some projects. Most were tops just needing to be quilted. I am really having a time even getting that done!
Anyway, enough of my woes. I sure wish I could find my passion for sewing and quilting again. I loved it while I had it....