Sunday, July 17, 2011

Boys and Sewing

If you follow my blog, you know I'm a grandma and proud of it.  I spend at least one day a week with my 16 yr old granddaughter and she's learning her way around a sewing machine quite nicely!  But then I have these guys: 

These are my two youngest grandsons (the oldest is almost 20!) And they are all boy.  They rough house and fight like brothers.  But then there is this:

Still all boy!  Totally relaxed with his sucker and sewing along :-)

Look at that concentration!    Now this great guy actually  just pushes the button for whatever decorative stitch he wants and goes to town.  He hasn't actully sewn any seams yet, but he is at least getting comfortable with the machine.

That was yesterday and I loved every minute of it.  Today I'll see them again as we're getting together to celebrate their dad's 31st B-day.  Darn, I can't believe my baby is getting old.  He keeps having B-days, he's going to catch up with me because I'm not having anymore - they just make me old :-)

Hope everyone has as good a day as I know I'm going to have.


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